Saturday, May 7, 2022

What's It All About?

 I spent last weekend at a show. A lady wearing a sweatshirt and a skirt told me that my work was too expensive. Another person told me that she and her daughter were starting to take ceramics classes, and that my work looked just like her daughter's work. It turns out that her daughter is seven years-old. So, that actually might have been a complement! I love kid work. I help my students produce their work. I'm an aider and abetter.

I didn't sell much work. I was discouraged. But, my sister helped me to gain some perspective. Makers gotta make. Making work is a drive. It keeps me sane, and makes me happy. It provides challenge, and fuels my creativity. It gives me problems to solve with great satisfaction.

I'm not going to lower my prices, because my work has to pay for itself. So, there we have it. I'm not everyone's cup of tea. But, I feel satisfied that my abilities grow with every object that I make. It's possible to look back at my old work, and to see the progression of skill, and thought. Everyone's a critic. But, I've decided to be gentle with myself for now...

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