Sunday, February 18, 2018

Jama Visit

Taffy as far as the eye can see...

My sister made her usual springtime pilgrimage to the goat farm in Pescadero, on the coast, and then drove down to see me. I should have had better plans. Or, some plans at all! We went to my art exhibit, and to a closed up art exhibit. Then we went to a weird crepe restaurant, and then shopped at a candy store. It feels like I've been on a drug addled (flu) treadmill lately. So, it was nice to have her visit, even though we meandered. It was fun to hear about her trips and her adventures...

A taste of Early California in Monterey...

Following the tiles...

Just what I needed to calm my nerves...

Jama brought me a pie...

Steinbeck being used to sell candy...

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