Sunday, February 25, 2018

Hamburger Trade Activity

Figuring out what we can make and trade in class...
We made cups at Christmas, so no more cups, please...
Came up with the idea of making hamburgers...
Needed to make some little busts for my shrine...
Each student makes two, then trades one and keeps one...
Meanwhile, the kiln is cooling...
And, these arrived in the mail...


Originally, I joined Facebook for the artwork. I wanted to promote my artwork and I wanted to see the artwork of others. My friend, Liz Crain, talked me into it. And, everything went along swimmingly. During the past few years, I've realized that Facebook does more than that for me though. It is a link with friends and family who I rarely see. As an introvert, it connects me, without a difficult investment on my part.

Cue the election. Cue the bots. Cue the extreme opinions that no one actually wants to hear. Cue the inability of many to write a coherent sentence, or to spell properly. Cue my frustration.

So, I'm taking a break. I think it was the school shooting that did it for me. I work at a school, and reading post after post about guns belonging in classrooms was the end. Reading posts about how if God were back in classrooms, this would have never happened, irritated me. Who’s God should enter the curriculum? The God of Christians, Muslims, or Buddhists? I have students with an assortment of beliefs. My God is generally watching over me, because I pray for help with my job, but I also believe in a firm separation of church and state. To each his own, and on his own time. Issues are very complicated, and sitting on the sidelines, ignorantly critiquing after the fact, isn't exactly helpful.

My teaching credential program was specific to working with at-risk children, and back in my early years of teaching, I read an interesting book called Lost Boys. The trend of young men becoming mass shooters was new back then. This book pointed to the many complex causes in specific shooting incidents. Twenty years later, we've sadly experienced many more mass shooting situations. Just as before, there are many causes. If you have school aged children, it might be wise to read up on exactly what is going on with the children of today, some of the difficulties that they face.

Social media, pressure to be popular, and having our lives paraded past our peers have all taken a toll on young people. Constantly using a phone, instead of having personal interractions, erodes empathy. The desensitization of children through violent video games, and the easy availability of guns is not helpful either. Placing guns in schools is a ridiculous solution. Schools need to be places of trust and safety. The root of the problem is much deeper. Before you tell me that I need to be ready to take the life of another human, you'd better do a little research and thinking first.

So, I'm taking a break from Facebook. Instagram is where the art is, so it's where I'm going for a while. I may pop in every now and again, but, I kind of like the new-found peace and quiet in my head.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Knocking Up a Pie Pole

Apple pie a la mode...

Key Lime and Cherry Pie beads for the base...

Spacer beads to go between the pies...

Trying to make up pie crust colors...

These arbols are next...

Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Swedish Toy Man & The Doll Lady

Headed off to the Flea Market...
Ran into the Swedish Toy Man...
And, there was a lady with many dolls...
That naughty little pooch is kind of like Percy...
There were dolls from Mexico...
This old trunk had a beautiful interior...
These tiny dolls were so fragile, in their little box...
Headed away from Monterey, and back towards home...
The fruit man let me photograph his colorful van...

These will do nicely when I start to make shrines...

Jama Visit

Taffy as far as the eye can see...

My sister made her usual springtime pilgrimage to the goat farm in Pescadero, on the coast, and then drove down to see me. I should have had better plans. Or, some plans at all! We went to my art exhibit, and to a closed up art exhibit. Then we went to a weird crepe restaurant, and then shopped at a candy store. It feels like I've been on a drug addled (flu) treadmill lately. So, it was nice to have her visit, even though we meandered. It was fun to hear about her trips and her adventures...

A taste of Early California in Monterey...

Following the tiles...

Just what I needed to calm my nerves...

Jama brought me a pie...

Steinbeck being used to sell candy...

Monday, February 12, 2018

Happy Abe Day

Thinking of entering these in a show...

It seems fitting to celebrate one of my favorite historical figures, by spending his holiday, doing what I love to do. There was a lot of work from Christmas vacation that needed glazing and sanding. So, I spent the day finishing up some projects, so that they can head into the next stage of their process. Most pieces will eventually need a dark colored wash, and then a final firing. It feels like my process takes so long, but it's nice to see so much work advance along the pipeline.

This is headed off to it's second firing...

This will eventually be the base of a sign for my house...

This is the base of a sculpture with a vintage globe...

These are beads for the house sign pole...

This is a large head that is about to be fired...

This dude needs sanding and then a kiln trip...

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Observable Hearsay

Love the etched plexiglass in front of the cubes...

Today I visited the opening of a show by Janet Fine and Ron Baldwin at the Monterey Peninsula College Gallery. I was totally blown away by how well the work of both artists meshed together. Sorry that the photos aren't great. There were quite a few people in the gallery, and I had to take a lot of closeups, in order to cut the people out. You're really going to have to see it for yourself!

Here's a fiery piece...

The box inside has a telephone...

Car taillight and wishbones...

So many details...


More blocks for the viewers to rearrange...

A fiery red bulb lights up, when you press the button...

The globe spins...

It reminds me of an old newsreel...

Such an assortment of curiosities...

One of many mysterious photos...

Fabulous show...

Don't Give up the Ship

  The leaders of our country were meant to govern, not to rule. In fact, the Declaration of Independence was written in order to explain to ...