Sunday, February 11, 2018

Observable Hearsay

Love the etched plexiglass in front of the cubes...

Today I visited the opening of a show by Janet Fine and Ron Baldwin at the Monterey Peninsula College Gallery. I was totally blown away by how well the work of both artists meshed together. Sorry that the photos aren't great. There were quite a few people in the gallery, and I had to take a lot of closeups, in order to cut the people out. You're really going to have to see it for yourself!

Here's a fiery piece...

The box inside has a telephone...

Car taillight and wishbones...

So many details...


More blocks for the viewers to rearrange...

A fiery red bulb lights up, when you press the button...

The globe spins...

It reminds me of an old newsreel...

Such an assortment of curiosities...

One of many mysterious photos...

Fabulous show...

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