Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sad Landscape-Filled Weekend

Got lost in the berry fields...

This weekend, I attended the funeral of a colleague from my school. It was difficult to realize that I'm not going to be able to see her or chat with her again. The town in which she lived, provided amazing care for her during the past year of her illness. They organized meal deliveries, treatment transportation, and help around the house. It was a testament to me, of the power of neighborliness, and community. I was able to take Michelle to only one medical treatment. My mom became bedridden around the same time. But, during that one appointment, I was amazed at Michelle's strength, and fearlessness. Even though she was going to have a painful procedure, she thought to bring a book about drawing to share, so that I wouldn't be bored in the hospital. I was sorry that I wasn't able to be of better service. I hope she understood. She left our little school too early, and will be missed.

After the funeral, I drove my scooter home, and just curled up into a ball. It seems like there has been so much sadness in my life lately. It's getting harder to shake off the numbness. Hopefully, next weekend, I can schedule some work time in the studio.

I spent the rest of the weekend visiting my dad. This has become something of a routine. I drive up to his house after school on Friday evening, and then also stop by on Sunday morning. I work on my lesson plans, to provide company for him. Living alone is difficult, and I'm trying to ease him into his new situation.

Stopped by and bought my dad a pie...

It was warm and sunny in the pie orchard...

My dad took me to lunch...

The mustard is blooming near my dad's house...

We don't see eye to eye politically...

The triple berry is a winner...

Saw the last orchard from my childhood...

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