There were many at the march in San Francisco... |
I recently heard that a survey was completed by members of my faith, and they gave our president a high approval rating. That REALLY bothers me. When I was a child, my religious education included a listing of the tenets of our faith. The last one, was the hardest one for me to memorize, because some of the words were unfamiliar. I think that's why I remember it the most.
"We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and
in doing good to all men; Indeed, we may say that we follow the
admonition of Paul- We believe all things, we hope all things,
we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things.
If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy,
we seek after these things.”
Our president lies at every turn. These are not sneaky untruths. His lies are blatant. He lies about everything, even stupid things like his height, and weight. He also pays people to lie for him. And, the members of his administration follow suit. It is pathological. He claims that everyone else is spreading falsehoods. Everyone is out to get him.
Our president has conducted several extramarital affairs. By his own admission, he is a sexual predator. He has molested women who are complete strangers to him.
His behavior is that of a pig. His fixation on his daughter is disturbing.
Our president is known in his business dealings for cheating small businessmen and women. He is notorious for not paying workers, then telling them that he'll only "pay half". He doesn't pay taxes, and he is a money launderer. He and his family famously behave as slum lords. It's anything to make a dollar, regardless of the consequences. During the election, I read an article about an elderly woman. She owned a house which he wanted to make into a casino parking lot. He hounded and pursued this woman through court for years. She became ill from the stress of being his quarry, and eventually died.
The poor in our country will get poorer, and the rich will get richer, as he feathers his own nest. Everything will benefit him and his children in some way. This will be to the detriment of his "base". His tax cuts eliminate the inheritance tax for his children. And, he has ended deductions for charitable giving. So, no one will be able to write off tithes or offerings. And, more importantly, the wealthy will no longer be compelled to make charitable donations. There are many charitable contributions which elevate our cities and neighborhoods. Some will likely disappear.
Our president is a racist. His ugly comments in regards to anyone of color are numerous and well known. This is not okay. It is not "ending political correctness". It is racism pure and simple. If you believe that we are one family of man, then you cannot accept his language. I believe that we are all brothers and sisters. Everyone has a right to live in our world. And, we have been enjoined to "love everyone". Legislating the deportation and dissolution of families, based on nationality or religion is not acceptable. It is distinctly un-American. Consult your history books, and realize that this is how fascism begins.
We do not need walls. We need medical care for those in need. There are more and more homeless encampments in my state. And, our state has a fairly successful economy. There isn't a day when I don't see people with great need. Not a single day. What is being done for those people? I recently saw a tweet where he was patting himself on the back for our flourishing economy. Does he not see the homeless and hungry? He is the only one who is flourishing, through cheating and graft.
Jana and I started out near the bay... |
Headed up towards the civic center... |
Then, doubled back towards the Ferry Building... |
History repeats itself, if we let it... |