Monday, January 29, 2018

Love Day is on the Horizon

We're getting ready early for the sugary sweet holiday. Our ceramic heart ornaments popped out of the kiln today, after their final firing Saturday night. My stuffed donuts arrived in a big box on the porch Saturday afternoon. And, Eugene is currently lounging in said box, as I type. Today, during my prep time, I labeled all of the candy heart boxes for my students... All that's left is for us to decorate the student envelopes!

Unloaded these from the kiln at 5:30 this morning...

Logan's mom cut out, and added the ribbon...

My class did a very careful job clear glazing them...

Stuffed sweets are healthier...

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sad Landscape-Filled Weekend

Got lost in the berry fields...

This weekend, I attended the funeral of a colleague from my school. It was difficult to realize that I'm not going to be able to see her or chat with her again. The town in which she lived, provided amazing care for her during the past year of her illness. They organized meal deliveries, treatment transportation, and help around the house. It was a testament to me, of the power of neighborliness, and community. I was able to take Michelle to only one medical treatment. My mom became bedridden around the same time. But, during that one appointment, I was amazed at Michelle's strength, and fearlessness. Even though she was going to have a painful procedure, she thought to bring a book about drawing to share, so that I wouldn't be bored in the hospital. I was sorry that I wasn't able to be of better service. I hope she understood. She left our little school too early, and will be missed.

After the funeral, I drove my scooter home, and just curled up into a ball. It seems like there has been so much sadness in my life lately. It's getting harder to shake off the numbness. Hopefully, next weekend, I can schedule some work time in the studio.

I spent the rest of the weekend visiting my dad. This has become something of a routine. I drive up to his house after school on Friday evening, and then also stop by on Sunday morning. I work on my lesson plans, to provide company for him. Living alone is difficult, and I'm trying to ease him into his new situation.

Stopped by and bought my dad a pie...

It was warm and sunny in the pie orchard...

My dad took me to lunch...

The mustard is blooming near my dad's house...

We don't see eye to eye politically...

The triple berry is a winner...

Saw the last orchard from my childhood...

Friday, January 26, 2018

Near Violent Craft Store Incident

Beginner gear...

I stopped by the craft supply store, after visiting my dad. A middle aged couple was in front of me at the checkout stand. Overhearing the woman berating her partner was awkward. She wanted him to make a project for her, that involved cutting wooden shelves. She announced loudly, that she wasn't going to buy him a damned table saw. Then, she criticized all of his comments, using a tone that was incredibly demeaning. A young man buying spray paint in line behind me, looked at the ground. He was embarrassed. The resemblance to the tone that Kurt started using with me, years ago, both in letters, and in person, prompted a viceral response. I leaned over to the man, and said, "You should come to my house to do your crafting, we don't yell. And, I would totally go halfsies on a table saw." His girlfriend was busy being fake charming with the checker, and didn't notice my comments. I wanted to let this man know that he was worth more. I wanted to pop the bubble.

Sometimes, when you're knee deep with someone, you start to lose track of yourself. And, you start to feel comfortable, even with degrading comments. It's what you're used to. It's expected. Sometimes you need a reality check, to remember that your bubble is warped. Relationships are supposed to be supportive, that's why we have them.

I left with some needlepoint odds and ends. I want to start learning some basic stitches, so that I'll use my television watching/cool down time more wisely. And, thankfully, the abusive shelf-wanter didn't hear my comments. I have no doubt that we could have ended up making a fight circle near the Easter decorations.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Monterey State Historic Park and The Old Customhouse

We made corn treated with lye, called nixtamal...
I churned butter for my group's tortillas...
We learned about how to make sisal and leather rope...
Kids see how a pulley makes loading cargo easier...
Discussion about powder horns and bullet molds...
Porcelain imported from China...
Alta California didn't make it's own pottery...
Imported glassware and spices...
We learned to embroider flowers...
Fieldtrips keep the learning fresh and interesting...

Exploratorium Sisterly Field Trip

Loved this lighted plant cell model...

My sister was doing automata research...

Wonderful gates at the Tinkering Studio...

Really cool inner workings...

And, some giant cardboard scissors...

And, then there was the toothpick man's work...

This phony felted control panel was fabulous...

Any of these sculptures would be perfect for my home...

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Why I Marched (Year Two)

There were many at the march in San Francisco...

I recently heard that a survey was completed by members of my faith, and they gave our president a high approval rating. That REALLY bothers me. When I was a child, my religious education included a listing of the tenets of our faith. The last one, was the hardest one for me to memorize, because some of the words were unfamiliar. I think that's why I remember it the most.

"We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and 
in doing good to all men; Indeed, we may say that we follow the 
admonition of Paul- We believe all things, we hope all things,
we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things.
If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy,
we seek after these things.”

Our president lies at every turn. These are not sneaky untruths. His lies are blatant. He lies about everything, even stupid things like his height, and weight. He also pays people to lie for him. And, the members of his administration follow suit. It is pathological. He claims that everyone else is spreading falsehoods. Everyone is out to get him.

Our president has conducted several extramarital affairs. By his own admission, he is a sexual predator. He has molested women who are complete strangers to him. 

His behavior is that of a pig. His fixation on his daughter is disturbing. 

Our president is known in his business dealings for cheating small businessmen and women. He is notorious for not paying workers, then telling them that he'll only "pay half". He doesn't pay taxes, and he is a money launderer. He and his family famously behave as slum lords. It's anything to make a dollar, regardless of the consequences. During the election, I read an article about an elderly woman. She owned a house which he wanted to make into a casino parking lot. He hounded and pursued this woman through court for years. She became ill from the stress of being his quarry, and eventually died. 

The poor in our country will get poorer, and the rich will get richer, as he feathers his own nest. Everything will benefit him and his children in some way. This will be to the detriment of his "base". His tax cuts eliminate the inheritance tax for his children. And, he has ended deductions for charitable giving. So, no one will be able to write off tithes or offerings. And, more importantly, the wealthy will no longer be compelled to make charitable donations. There are many charitable contributions which elevate our cities and neighborhoods. Some will likely disappear.

Our president is a racist. His ugly comments in regards to anyone of color are numerous and well known. This is not okay. It is not "ending political correctness". It is racism pure and simple. If you believe that we are one family of man, then you cannot accept his language. I believe that we are all brothers and sisters. Everyone has a right to live in our world. And, we have been enjoined to "love everyone". Legislating the deportation and dissolution of families, based on nationality or religion is not acceptable. It is distinctly un-American. Consult your history books, and realize that this is how fascism begins.

We do not need walls. We need medical care for those in need. There are more and more homeless encampments in my state. And, our state has a fairly successful economy. There isn't a day when I don't see people with great need. Not a single day. What is being done for those people? I recently saw a tweet where he was patting himself on the back for our flourishing economy. Does he not see the homeless and hungry? He is the only one who is flourishing, through cheating and graft.

Jana and I started out near the bay...
Headed up towards the civic center...
Then, doubled back towards the Ferry Building...
History repeats itself, if we let it...

Friday, January 19, 2018

Coiled Baskets

Love the colors on these coiled baskets...
Both of these have so much texture...
Grace added a beautiful, lacy rim...
Simple tonal colors, with complicated stitching...
Bright and cheery...
Fabulous cone shape...
Love the pattern...
Nice patterns with blue...
Love the shapes on this trio...
My basket took three weeks this year...
They look great on the wall...

Don't Give up the Ship

  The leaders of our country were meant to govern, not to rule. In fact, the Declaration of Independence was written in order to explain to ...