Sunday, April 10, 2022


This was an action-packed Spring Break, with many duties to "get through". I had to do my taxes, sort through my school expenditures, grade a stack of Native Californian reports, edit student virtual Mission Reports, and do some much needed yard work. In between chores, I was able to visit my dad, and my best friends. I also was able to help clean out my dad's house. I attended a meeting for the upcoming May Day Sale. And, I glazed some work for that sale. I also made some paper clay vases, and tinkered with a new brown clay called "Smooth Red". So far, it seems less crack prone than my usual clay. I cannot handle the constant cracking of "Red Velvet" / "Navajo Wheel". ANYMORE.

I also weaned myself off of caffeine. 


Sometimes I get stuck, or bored with my usual clay ideas. So, it's fun to look across mediums, for inspiration. Here is some recent eye candy from Pinterest. I love the graphic patterns, and the interplay of positive and negative space. And, now it's time to head out to the clay shed!


Sunday, April 3, 2022

Cup Swap 2022

We traded cups a few weeks ago. Since the work squeaked out of the kiln right before the deadline, I was only able to take some hasty snaps, before the trading began. Students made some excellent work this year. I was delighted that trading actually happened, to be honest. I was worried. Sometimes, when you make something, you fall a little bit in love with it. But, all trades are final!


Library Mural East Wall

Some of the small paintings for depth...

I finally finished working on my part of the library mural. Michelle finished her wonderful undersea otter, and kelp forest during Winter Break. And, Teacher Lisa painted the coral first coat on the wall back in February. It was difficult to paint for only an hour after school each day. One of the teachers who shared the space had a paint allergy, so I would wait until she left for the day, and stay until the school shut down. But, it was slow going. So, I started heading in on weekends, so that I could spend more quality time. Now we just need some volunteers to shelve books, and a new computer checkout system. Every school should have a library! I think that the kids will be excited to be in a unique and inviting space.

Painting in the large blobs...

The place where space meets peach...

Starting to add in pattern on Sundays...

More pattern on the weekend...

My favorite part...

Added some 12x12 paintings...

Now, all we need is a librarian...

Jupiter reappears...

Michelle sewed the curtains...

This part has grown on me...


Saturday, April 2, 2022


I am a high quality teacher. I am passionate about what I do. I spend hours going above and beyond for my students. We do many hands-on activities, which require a great deal of after-hours prep work. I ferry student ceramic work home, to fire it in my kiln on weekends or evenings. I meet with students for Book Clubs at lunch, to try to generate a love of reading. During recess, I chat with students, observing them play, so that I can better motivate them in my classroom.

I form personal relationships with my students. I feel like it's my job to understand what makes students tick, so that I can get the best from them academically. Kids know me. I am often surprised by comments, notes, or small presents that demonstrate that I am "known". 

Last year was a nightmare. I delivered work, and materials on my scooter, to students who couldn't pick-up these items at school. I recorded 14 videos each week, and posted them, in an effort to help my students complete work. At the beginning of this year, my students were at an average of mid second grade level in Reading, and slightly higher in Math. I teach fourth grade, so these low skills were a problem for us. It is known that if fourth graders aren't on grade level by the end of the year, they will fall farther behind in the upper grades. It is a phenomenon known endearingly as "The Fourth Grade Slump". Currently, my class average is 4.1 in Reading (that means fourth grade, first month), and we're averaging 4.3 in Math. I have students who are recovering from trauma. I tread lightly. I'm open to talk. One student has progressed from being selectively mute, to chatting. Watching her play and talk with other students has been nothing short of miraculous. Another student faced much family hardship last year. There is a great deal of anger. I watched her laughing and dancing at recess this past week.

I try my best to manage my finances, and to stay out of debt. My parents helped me to purchase my home. They have helped me in other ways, too. I can honestly say that I spend a lot of time treading water. I never really get to do anything fun, or to take many trips. I live alone, so I am responsible for the entirety of my income, and I try my best to manage my teacher's salary, and my artistic pursuits. It is NOT easy. I stick to a budget. My clothing is from Old Navy. My hair gets cut at Great Clips. There are no extravagances. I do small renovations on my home each summer, if I can afford them. My only debt is my home mortgage. 

Recently, I heard that our school has no more budgetary "cushion". A whirlwind of reckless spending, and over-hiring has drained the coffers. Money has been spent without oversight, or consultation. This means that while all of the other schools in our district have provided raises for teachers, our school will doubtfully be able to give our teachers much of a raise, if any. And, while I didn't get into teaching for the posh salary, I do have to survive. The cost of living is high where I reside.

I deserve better. I'm disappointed, and I'm tired. So, I'll be working on my resume, because I believe in equity. I am an older teacher, and I'm at the end of the pay ladder, but I am highly qualified. And, I want to be worth something.

Don't Give up the Ship

  The leaders of our country were meant to govern, not to rule. In fact, the Declaration of Independence was written in order to explain to ...