Sunday, April 3, 2022

Library Mural East Wall

Some of the small paintings for depth...

I finally finished working on my part of the library mural. Michelle finished her wonderful undersea otter, and kelp forest during Winter Break. And, Teacher Lisa painted the coral first coat on the wall back in February. It was difficult to paint for only an hour after school each day. One of the teachers who shared the space had a paint allergy, so I would wait until she left for the day, and stay until the school shut down. But, it was slow going. So, I started heading in on weekends, so that I could spend more quality time. Now we just need some volunteers to shelve books, and a new computer checkout system. Every school should have a library! I think that the kids will be excited to be in a unique and inviting space.

Painting in the large blobs...

The place where space meets peach...

Starting to add in pattern on Sundays...

More pattern on the weekend...

My favorite part...

Added some 12x12 paintings...

Now, all we need is a librarian...

Jupiter reappears...

Michelle sewed the curtains...

This part has grown on me...


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