Today, I unloaded the kiln. I was happy to see that my sign for my great-nephew's pretend restaurant turned out fine. This was the fourth sign that I had tried to make. I finally settled on paper clay, to prevent cracking. I was able to make some more wall wreaths out of paper clay. And, I made a cup tray, and a bowl tray. The feet will be added in a couple of days, when the tray firms up.
Monday, January 24, 2022
Work Weekend
Today, I unloaded the kiln. I was happy to see that my sign for my great-nephew's pretend restaurant turned out fine. This was the fourth sign that I had tried to make. I finally settled on paper clay, to prevent cracking. I was able to make some more wall wreaths out of paper clay. And, I made a cup tray, and a bowl tray. The feet will be added in a couple of days, when the tray firms up.
Friday, January 21, 2022
Basket Making in the Time of Covid
Monday, January 17, 2022
Studio Weekend
A paper clay scallop... |
It has been a dark and dreary, but very productive weekend. I decided to make some plates and bowls. And, then I continued on with some experimental wreaths. Some of the earlier wreaths have cracked in the cold clay shed. So, I moved most of the wreaths into my kitchen, covered under plastic. It feels like I have so much wet work. None of it is ready to be fired, because of this damp weather!
The freezing living room... |
Bowls and plates... |
These are made of paper clay... |
Susie wanted bell pulls... |
I finished my basket, too... |
Future test tile crumbles... |
These are now drying indoors... |
And, they're under plastic... |
Saturday, January 15, 2022
Reign of Terror
I have read a lot about the French Revolution. I woke up this morning, feeling like we're in for Part 2 of the Reign of Terror. Just change the locale. Watching the slow motion car crash, that is our political system is so frustrating. Hurry up, and start indicting the insurrection collaborators in congress. Watching lawmakers, who basically have committed treason, stroll around, continuing to spew their nonsense is exasperating. It's not like half of them are even legislating. They are obstructing, blocking progress, and enabling corruption. If you are going to defy a subpoena from a congressional committee, then how about some quality Bastille time? Hurry up, and draft free and fair voting legislation. We're all tired of hearing about how our voting rights are going to be impacted. Do something.
I spent the past week, hoping to not get covid. I was yell-talking to my class through double masks. Isn't it hard enough to explain how to convert mixed numbers into improper fractions? There are large amounts of students out sick. I am sending work home, and teaching, and trying to keep everyone healthy. It is a lot of pressure. A lot. The other day, on the playground, a kindergartener just looked at my face, and came up and hugged me. We're in the trenches, and we're all feeling it. My goal is to NOT have to write ten days worth of sub plans.
Students are stressed. Kids come in my room to talk after school, during lunch, and during my prep period. I spent the entire week talking with individual students about seizures, divorce, ghosting, covid, depression, family financial problems, counseling, pets dying, and more. After arriving home Friday evening, I just sat in my living room with the lights out, head in hands.
My dad is starting to experience much memory loss. This might be the heaviest worry for me. It is constantly at the back of my mind at all times. My sister and her husband are trying so hard to care for him. I love them so much, and am so grateful.
In the meantime, I took a rapid test, because my throat was sore. The results were negative. But, I'm waiting on the definitive results of yesterday's swab test. And, I'm thinking about how I wasn't asked to provide work for a community gallery show that I've been a part of for eight years. Ouch. Not many people will be visiting galleries during this omicron surge, so I guess that it's not really a huge loss.
With a full heart, and an even fuller head, I'm going out to the clay shed. This is my way of sharpening my pitchfork, to continue to fight on day after day, during these hard times. I can't control anything else in my life right now. But, I can exert some control over the clay. Maybe.
Sunday, January 9, 2022
Winter Break Wrap-Up
I made sure to get all of my lesson planning and prep done last week. That way, I was able to spend some quality time with the pups today. And, I was able to load the kiln, and begin a bisque firing. There was also a little time to make a couple of more wreaths. Once school starts up tomorrow, report cards will crowd the scene. And, work needs to commence on the east wall school library mural. I'll be grading a mountain of Native Californian reports, and baskets, too! So, this was a good day to have some "me" time.
Grant & Susie Meet-Up
Thursday, January 6, 2022
Floral Wreaths
Monday, January 3, 2022
La Pulga
Don't Give up the Ship
The leaders of our country were meant to govern, not to rule. In fact, the Declaration of Independence was written in order to explain to ...

I have spent the balance of the summer trying to recover from four years of low-grade mental, and emotional manipulation. And, I'm slo...
This letter arrived in the mail today, and made my day... I've been feeling a little cranky of late. I spent her year of fourth grade,...
This week, I've been building stumps. Since my backyard looks like the landscape has been clear cut, I thought it might be fun to enhanc...