Tuesday, December 28, 2021



It's a good idea to set goals and to think about improvements. Here is the plan for this year, moving forward. There are possible big changes ahead...

1.     Always honor who I am, and try to be the best person that I can be.

2.     Use meditation and breathing to deal with situations where calm is required.

3.     Walk the doggies every weekday.

4.     Exercise, and pray each weekday morning.

5.     Make stuff that I like.

6.     Keep creativity fresh with explorations, and diversions (like violin lessons).

7.     Make more time for beloved ones.

8.     Spend more time using the scooter, and less time in the car.

9.     Reduce workaholic-ness tendencies. Nap ministry.

10.   Look for work, and for a workplace which aligns with my belief system. 

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