Friday, May 28, 2021

Pride Goeth Before a Fall


What are you the proudest of this year? Please explain why you are proud, the impact that this event, accomplishment, etc. has had on you this year, and how you will carry this impact with you in the years ahead...

I'm not really personally proud of much this year. I worked hard, but accomplished little. This year was an affirmation that relationships make teaching more impactful, and fun. I can't wait until next year, when I can hug this year's students, and thank them for hanging in there.

I am proud of the students who completed their work, the students who were driven. I am hoping that they learned about family, love, and dedication. I know that they were respectful, and kind. Finishing piles of work that some lady on the computer is doling out requires faith. One student, in particular, dropped off work on my porch every Friday. And, then, she sent a weekly email confirmation, replete with cheery emojis. That is someone who loves learning, and I think she somehow knew that I needed to hear from her each week. Another student always lingered online each day, and just had normal conversations with me. He was a lifesaver. He reminded me of who I am, and what I believe in when working with children. He provided a much needed reality check.

So, I'm proud that we all got through this. Undoubtedly we all learned something about ourselves, both adults, and children. I'm proud that our school provided hot spots, and chromebooks for everyone. I'm proud that Andrea took food to families with covid. I'm proud that we checked in on each other, because that's what our school should be about.

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