Thursday, January 7, 2021

Fiddling While Rome Burns

I tried to keep my mind off of current events, by getting out into the shed to finish off my shrines. I really wanted to curl up into a ball. But, all of the boxes were firming up after being built yesterday. There was no choice. Work. Make.

You know how I feel. But, I want to clearly state that if the president and his enablers (including the senators and representatives who challenged the vote certification) get through this unscathed, then our democracy is doomed. There have to be consequences. As a classroom teacher, I can tell you, that consequences have to be enforced. If they aren't, the undesirable behavior will continue. And, not only will it continue, it will escalate.

I listened to an interview with a Turkish journalist. She said that she had witnessed many coups, and attempted coups. She said that no matter how ridiculous the people wearing buffalo horns, and waving confederate flags looked, they must be dealt with firmly. I am currently writing to my representatives, expressing my firm desire for impeachment. And, I'm trying to block out the image of Lindsay Graham, clutching his pearls, after having telephoned election officials in Georgia. This is a huge wake-up call, America.

Thank you Mitt Romney for your comments last night. Truth is the way. Also, thank you Seth Meyers. I have survived this past year because of "A Closer Look".

Anyway, here are some shrines:


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