Saturday, May 18, 2019

Junkin' with Jama

I bought these for the office staff at my school...
Loved the color of these faded work shirts...
Saw some Swedish sisters with my Swedish sister... 
Awesome old photo treasures...
This beauty was all alone...
Suitcases full of vintage ribbon...
Many cameras today...
Inaka ice cream after scouring the Goat Hill Fair...

Friendship Flower & Leaf Bowls

We learned how to build flanges and how to unstick lids...

We pressed flowers and leaves into some small clay bowls. The kiln burned off the leaves and flowers. We recently added some color. They are almost ready for the second firing, to set the color. Afterwards, we'll add a brown wash, and then sponge it back, to reveal the patterns of the leaves and the flowers. Then, we'll add a bit of clear glaze. One more kiln trip rounds out the process.

My class is the junction of two separate third grade classes. Usually, I'm pretty good at melding and blending the students into one family. This year has been a bit tough. Crossover friendships have been slow to form. I thought it would be a good idea for students to make a friendship gift for our last ceramic project. Class members made a list of three students they'd like to give their pot to. I went through, and assigned each student a recipient. This was a bit fraught, since some students weren't chosen on any of the lists. But, I was able to sort it out, and honor most choices. Most!

It's really important at our school to join students into a community. We are a small school, with one class per grade level. So, these students will be together until the end of eighth grade. They will face many challenges, and will hopefully be able to strengthen and support one another. That's what community does...

Floral colors are some of my favorites...

The dark wash will bring out the leaf textures...

Roaring Camp Trip

We spent a rainy day at Roaring Camp...
Our class learned about wagon train scouts...
And, we learned how difficult it is to pan for gold...
We learned about the process of weaving...
It's fun to learn information from other teachers...
A few students seemed to catch gold fever...
We learned about morse code, and the telegraph...
I returned home to a wonderful surprise...
And, now it's on to Famous Californian Oral Reports...

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Enduring to the End

Really frustrated with life at this moment...

This is always a difficult time of the year for me. It's an emotional time. The school year is wrapping up. Kids generally misbehave a lot, for a variety of reasons. And, it's always the busiest time of the year, because many projects need to be finished. It is a time of endurance.

This year, I have a few folks judging my worthiness. The judges don't really know me, or want to know me. There is a great deal of gossiping and glaring. It's an awful feeling. It's like middle school all over again. I generally give 110 percent. And, I feel like my heart is in the right place, and I care. The judges are not giving their best effort at all. But, that doesn't seem to matter. They cannot stand apart from themselves, and honestly evaluate their behavior. Maybe self-awareness comes with age and wisdom.

I've recently taken to doing my usual May read of "To Kill a Mockingbird". This time, I'm listening to the audio version, while crafting a "Jar of Wonders". This jar, or series of jars, will be filled with small ceramic shapes with meaning only to me. The shapes are able to be completed at half hour intervals each day, after school. It seems like the art time each day, along with the Mockingbird narration, is helping to soothe my ruffled, offended feathers.

Trying to complete a bit of work each day...

The pieces are small and therapeutic...

And, the shapes are organic...

Don't Give up the Ship

  The leaders of our country were meant to govern, not to rule. In fact, the Declaration of Independence was written in order to explain to ...