Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Year's Revolutions


As we enter four more years of lies, and idiocy, I've started early with my resolutions. I've been test driving a few, trying them out. So here goes:

1.    No more news.

I've decided to not follow the news, no more listening or watching. So far, I've made some simple substitutions in my daily habits. I listen to "ClassicalFM", broadcast from Great Britain. It's like a pop radio station for classical music. Last night, they broadcast music to calm fireworks adverse pets. There are ads, and a bit of news, but it's not news about our country. I have been watching videos about art, and home, instead of the news.

2.    Less worry about things I cannot control.

Our country is falling apart, and the constitution is hanging by a thread. But, I'm unable to do much to stop the slide. So, I'm going to focus on how I can help locally in my community. I'm trying to be kinder in public. I am going to help people who are rounded up, and put in camps. I will participate in whatever activities can make change for my community. The process of having my hopes constantly dashed, believing that decency will win out, is unsustainable. I want to feel hopeful and light. I want to never see or hear TFG, or his billionaires ever again.

3.    Less screen time. 

I have broken my Facebook habit. And, I'm no longer combing other social media. I enabled my alarm on Instagram. And, I need to stay off of Threads. This is difficult, because I live alone, and social media provides a bit of community comfort. But, it is sometimes a false community. I am hoping to substitute the time burned while scrolling, with art and reading time. And, I'm hoping that the dopamine hit will be superior to that provided by social media.

4. Appreciating what I have.

I am so grateful to have a home, and to have family, and friends. I want to get back to keeping my home looking good. And, I want to spend more time communicating with family. I have assigned certain home chores to assorted days of the week. So far, so good. This way, I have more time on the weekend for enjoyment, art, study, and relaxation. I've been trying to better support friends, and family.

5.   Less unhelpful fear, and reflection.

This year, I started a new job. However, the reason that I left my old job, continues to irritate and annoy me. I spent four years not being trusted, even while being told that I was "trustworthy". It was four years of having my artistic soul crushed, and of having someone actively turn coworkers, parents, and children against me. Although I really am weirdly enjoying the adventure of starting over at the ripe age of 59, I also keep being hyper-focused on the past. Even with the upcoming efforts to make my emergency single subject credential permanent, and writing completely new lesson plans, I still keep feeling put-upon. I need to continue to mentally reinforce the notion that leaving the former aspects of my career was a show of personal strength. Abuse should never be tolerated. I need to focus on building up my sense of worth, instead of feeling bitter. What I'm doing now makes me happy. It's a better path. So girlie, recognize that, and move on... In the words of my dad, "The cream always rises to the top." I am cream. I am also a teacher who serves specific student needs. Throughout my career, I have been directed and placed where I can best meet the needs of individual students. I was needed elsewhere. I need to think and be grateful for the ability to find a new job, only five years before retirement, at the same pay rate. That was a blessing. Live in the now!  

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