Monday, June 17, 2024

"That's All Folks"

I haven't written in so very long. But, I thought that I would return to the creativity that writing often fosters. And, writing gives clarity. Many life changes are in the works as I head on to my sixtieth year.

I have been wracking my brain and heart during the past four years. Recently, I decided to go out on the prowl for a job. I know that I'm way too old to do this, and who would hire me anyway? But, when you reach a point where enough is enough, it's time to pick up stakes, and move on. 

Our school actually has a well-worded civility clause. It is sad that the clause has become completely ineffectual, and that its repeated violation, has become the norm. There have been so many times, during the past four years, when I have felt burdened, humiliated, disrespected, manipulated, irritated, and overwhelmed. These feelings are not normal for me. But, they became my daily fare. I noticed that I started keeping to myself, and feeling angry all of the time. I curled inward. During the past four years, 14 employees have left the tiny school with only ten classrooms. It doesn’t take Shaggy and Scooby to figure out why the employees left. Luckily, my job hunt was a success, and I didn’t have to retire early, or take a giant, pension wrecking pay cut. Focusing on students again, instead of focusing on feelings, will be wonderful.

As of next year, I will be teaching beginning art classes at a neighboring high school. It will be a huge change. I am starting to create content, lesson plans, and work samples to try to be prepared. I am looking forward to building new relationships with students. In addition, I’m excited about sharing my passion for making, and learning. I even have my study guides purchased for the upcoming Single Subject Credential Test.

Best of luck to me! 

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