Friday, August 6, 2021


One of the highlights of my summer "staycation" was a visit to the Monterey Museum of Art with the McDougalls. The show, "Color Duets", featured work by local artist Erin Lee Gafill and her uncle Kaffe Fassett. It was a wonderful combination of paintings, quilts, slow stitching, and local history. Most of all, it was all about COLOR, and how to use it. 

If at all possible, if you're in Monterey, it is well worth a visit! Hurry, before the exhibit closes...


Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Tide has Finally Turned

When I applied to Open Studios, back in March, I really didn't have much new work. I was just barely able to squeak in my obligatory seven pieces on the entry form. So, I realized that this summer had to count. For the past two summers, I've experimented a great deal. And, there was much failure. In fact, all of my work was unfinished, uninspired, and cracked. 

I have worked almost every day this summer, to make new work. I really hope that Open Studios goes well. But, even if it doesn't, I know that I've created some successful finished work.

This is the point where almost everything has been bisque fired, and glazing is happening. I had a bout with severe vertigo last week, that blew out 2 1/2 days. So, I'm playing catch up, or as I call it in my fourth grade classroom, I'm "swimming in ketchup". The bowls are all done though. And, some wall signs are heading towards their final firing. There is a large flotilla of plates that will be fired at cone 2 this weekend. 

We're getting there!


Don't Give up the Ship

  The leaders of our country were meant to govern, not to rule. In fact, the Declaration of Independence was written in order to explain to ...