Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Going to the Dogs

This was the first day back in the clay shed in quite some time. I finally finished listening to "Little Dorrit" by Charles Dickens. Today, I was listening to "Inside of a Dog" by Alexandra Horowitz. Winston hung out in the shed with me, as usual. There was a lengthy discussion about dog breeding, and about wolves. Also, the hostility of dachshunds was mentioned, much to my amusement. So, I decided to make some dog wall plaques. I also made a few more of the holiday plaques. Maybe they can celebrate Valentine's Day. I wanted the doggie and kitty plaques to look childlike. I will glaze in the details later. I was inspired by some brooches that I've been seeing lately in my researches. I hope they turn out!

My dog, Percy, was sprayed by a skunk again the other night. And, this morning, he went outside and rolled around in the skunk scent on the back lawn. After spending the afternoon in the clay shed, I can definitely say that the skunk sprayed all around it. It smelled like burning piles of tires. I keep washing the scent off of Percy, but he seems to enjoy it. I think that a good rainstorm might be in order!


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