Sunday, December 27, 2020

Cameos & Indigo

I had a fun day, playing around with some more wall plaques. I made some cameo plaques. And, I noodled around with more dimensional forms. Tomorrow, I will put the rim around the backs that will hopefully prevent cracking. The rim also holds the wall hanging wire. Today, I listened to a new book called "The Indigo Girl" by Natasha Boyd. It is a fictionalized account of the life of Eliza Lucas Pinckney. When I read that George Washington requested to be a pallbearer at her funeral, I knew I had to know more...


Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Going to the Dogs

This was the first day back in the clay shed in quite some time. I finally finished listening to "Little Dorrit" by Charles Dickens. Today, I was listening to "Inside of a Dog" by Alexandra Horowitz. Winston hung out in the shed with me, as usual. There was a lengthy discussion about dog breeding, and about wolves. Also, the hostility of dachshunds was mentioned, much to my amusement. So, I decided to make some dog wall plaques. I also made a few more of the holiday plaques. Maybe they can celebrate Valentine's Day. I wanted the doggie and kitty plaques to look childlike. I will glaze in the details later. I was inspired by some brooches that I've been seeing lately in my researches. I hope they turn out!

My dog, Percy, was sprayed by a skunk again the other night. And, this morning, he went outside and rolled around in the skunk scent on the back lawn. After spending the afternoon in the clay shed, I can definitely say that the skunk sprayed all around it. It smelled like burning piles of tires. I keep washing the scent off of Percy, but he seems to enjoy it. I think that a good rainstorm might be in order!


Wednesday, December 16, 2020



I think that one of the saddest outcomes of the past four years is the idea that everyone deserves to "speak his or her truth". I work with children. They are the only ones with thoughts that interest me. When they speak their truth, it is amusing. They have no filter. A nation of adults has been unleashing "truths" for several years now. Let's put the genie back in the bottle. Let's rekindle the mystery.

You don't believe in science, that doesn't matter. Weigh in anyway. Tell everyone about vaccines. You want to insult complete strangers, go for it. It is only fair that we all know exactly what you're thinking. Let your racist or sexist flag fly.

The notion of civility is in tatters. We have listened to continuous lying for so long, that honesty seems refreshing. I contend that lying is disrespectful. But, I contend that unbridled honesty can also be disrespectful. I remember when my dad referred to a woman at church as a "bag of wool". My dad was a shepherd as a young man. He thought that this woman's figure was pudgy, and felt that he needed to comment. Guess what? He didn't. An elderly man insulted me on social media yesterday. I looked him up. He was a former soldier, proud of his military service. Supposedly a highly disciplined individual. I wondered if he would have said the same rude comments to me in person, if we were face to face. Probably not. The anonymity of social media seems to breed the worst kind of behavior.

We can bring back civility as a societal norm. We can be more thoughtful. We can treat strangers with kindness, despite their political leanings. It is not our place to judge our fellow men. We never know the whole story. 

When someone does or says something stupid, I can choose to ignore it. And, I can hope that the same courtesy will be extended to me for my stupidity...

Don't Give up the Ship

  The leaders of our country were meant to govern, not to rule. In fact, the Declaration of Independence was written in order to explain to ...