Monday, December 30, 2019

Drunk Tank Pink

I started researching 1940's colors...
I ended up with Venetian Rose...
I decided that my house was dark and dreary...
So, the hallway and bedroom are Venetian now...
The other objective is to enlarge the spaces...
This book encourages experimentation...
Having the hallway match the bedroom...
It's hard to get rid of the pretty purple...
But, the pink definitely makes the room feel bigger...
I'll also miss the mad magenta hall...

Hoping for some peace...

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Assistant to the Good Samaritan

This morning, I stopped to fill up the gas tank. I was on the way to my dad's house, and I was running late. There was a man in a wheelchair near the entrance to the parking lot. And, there was a woman with two large plastic bags of shoes and clothing next to him. She was pulling items out of the bags to give to him. I walked inside and bought a drink. As I finished my purchase, the woman was just walking into the store, and her eyes were brimming with tears. She looked so pained, that I actually asked her if I could help. She said, "I just can't get a shoe on his foot." So, I told her that I'd try to help.

His wheelchair was parked at the edge of the gas station parking lot. As I got closer, I noticed that he was smoking, and that his right leg was amputated at the knee. His left hand had almost no fingers, only stubs were left. Covered with blankets, he was hunched over, and his head didn't lift. I asked him if I could help. He said, "Don't put my sock on, but just put on the shoe." A bag of cold urine was dripping down his swollen left leg. It had dribbled all over the sock. There were scabs on his leg, and it looked so sore. I tried to put the shoe on his foot, but it wouldn't go in. Because of my discomfort, I kept up a steady banter with him. He said, "I have some weed, and I can share it with you for helping me." My nervous fingers gently loosened the shoelaces, and made them as slack as possible. While shoving his foot into the shoe, more urine ran down his leg, and covered both of my hands. But, his foot went into the shoe, and he was triumphant. There was a bit of money in my wallet, so I pulled it out, and gave it to him. He directed me to put it in his pocket. As I looked down, I noticed that his thin pants were full of shit, and that the urine bag was overfull.

Right about this time, the good samaritan came out of the gas station, with some food. She was still slightly tearful, and spoke to him gently. She had purchased the food that he had requested. This woman looked at me, and said, "Thank you for getting his shoe on, I couldn't make any of the shoes in my bag fit." She told me that she'd help him with anything else he needed. I felt like I'd been dismissed.

In the car, on the drive to my dad's house, I cried. Guilt. So much guilt for not helping more. This man had told me that he had nowhere to go. And, really, there was nowhere for him. Childhood memories of helping my grandpa to put a boot on his WWI damaged foot made me even sadder. This gentleman's injuries also marked him out as a veteran. And, now, it's raining hard, and he's still probably out there. But, the kindness that this woman showed was inspirational. When it feels like no one out there cares, it's not true. I wondered how many people she had donated clothing and shoes to, how many people she had made feel a little bit better.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Grass Roots

I'm there behind the American flag. I decided to just take myself down to the city park in support of impeachment. Here's why. I think that a leader should lead. And, I think that if a leader behaves in an immoral, illegal, or inappropriate manner, there should be consequences.

Bottom line. That's all. It will do nothing. There is no "final straw" with this person. There's no "tipping point". But, I'm pretty sure that silence equals consent at this stage in the proceedings...

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Christmas in the Monterey Adobes: History Nerd Holiday

This was one of the first stores in town...
The lovely garden near the Custom House...

Why haven't I attended Christmas in the Monterey Adobes before? I've lived in the area for almost twenty years. Well, I finally bought my ticket and headed out on the trek last night. It was delightful. A wristband buys you a map, and the chance to hear music in almost every home, and to sample cookies, gingerbread, wassail, horchata, hot cocoa, and tea. Each house had appropriate snacks, and matching musicians. Robert Louis Stevenson's residence had a bagpiper, and served Scottish shortbread and tea. The Custom House had fandango dancers. There was a lute player in the Larkin House. All of the homes were decorated for the holidays. All had exhibits that told the stories and the history of the residents. There were knowledgable reenactors aplenty, and they helped to bring the stories to life. Also, there were many park rangers, situated strategically, to help you find the candlelit adobes in the darkness. I drove home, listening to Mozart on the radio, and feeling positively cheery.

I visited the first brick house in California...
There was amazing art all around...
Many portraits of old Californians...
The Larkin House had some gorgeous knick knacks...
Old Monterey angels showed up everywhere...
Sherman's Quarters had Sherman in person...
The Cooper-Molera Adobe told a sad story...
Success was built on the backs of Native peoples...
Doc Ricketts showed up in the Steinbeck adobe...
He wrote "The Pearl" while she watched...
Robert Louis Stevenson's house had Scottish style...
Another angel at the back of the French Hotel...
Sadly, the bakery was closed...
Now, I'm ready to celebrate Christmas...

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Glazed Over

Holiday Craft Fair saucers are done...
The cups needed about four hours of touch-ups...
I had to sponge off any glaze on the bottoms...
These two were left behind, so I glazed them...
Opening the kiln lid this morning was fun...
Getting ready to take them to class on Monday...
The second round of cups will be fired on Monday...
We also have a fieldtrip before the Craft Fair...

Don't Give up the Ship

  The leaders of our country were meant to govern, not to rule. In fact, the Declaration of Independence was written in order to explain to ...