Monday, July 29, 2019

Found Object Sculpture: Day 1

Saw these cool panels on the way into class...

Today was the first day of a Found Object Sculpture class that I'm taking. Our teacher is Beverly Rayner, and the class is officially called Art 84. It is a short class, lasting only eight days. I'm hoping to produce two separate sculptures. I left class, full of enthusiasm for my first project. We'll see how it goes. It has been a long time since I left Cabrillo College. It was weird to be back, not in the ceramics room this time. Wish me luck.

We played a surrealist found object game...
And, we learned that objects are always meaningful...
I found a nest in the rummage piles...
I'm also going to build a nest or two...
The nests will be in this cabinet...
Which I started painting tonight...
We viewed some found object art...
Patrick is in our class...
This brought back memories...

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