Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Found Object Sculpture: Day 2

I keep passing work, in order to get in my car...
I guess that it will still be there later...
We went on a "found object field trip"...
I found a lot of records for my second sculpture...
It's going to have saw blades as well...
These band saw blades look promising...
Left this dude for someone else to treasure...
Found a crusty monogrammed pillow...

Found Object Sculpture: Day 3

A very tender sign at the sink...
Patrick is making a box for his parent spoons...
Helen is making a garden sculpture...
Todd is working with a little friend...
I continued to add to my coiled nests...
Both of them are finished...
My case needs some major sanding and aging...

Monday, July 29, 2019

Found Object Sculpture: Day 1

Saw these cool panels on the way into class...

Today was the first day of a Found Object Sculpture class that I'm taking. Our teacher is Beverly Rayner, and the class is officially called Art 84. It is a short class, lasting only eight days. I'm hoping to produce two separate sculptures. I left class, full of enthusiasm for my first project. We'll see how it goes. It has been a long time since I left Cabrillo College. It was weird to be back, not in the ceramics room this time. Wish me luck.

We played a surrealist found object game...
And, we learned that objects are always meaningful...
I found a nest in the rummage piles...
I'm also going to build a nest or two...
The nests will be in this cabinet...
Which I started painting tonight...
We viewed some found object art...
Patrick is in our class...
This brought back memories...

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The London Oratory Schola Cantorum Boys Choir

Stopped by the Monterey Museum of Art...
Mr. Hockney's Yosemite pieces were on display...
I love the colors on this painting...
Then, I was off to the Carmel Mission...
The festival imported a boys choir from London...
They sang pieces from Spain and England...
It was like a small corner of heaven...

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Very Long Distance Call

I had a very strange dream last night. I was in the middle of teaching math to my fourth graders, and my phone started ringing. When I answered the phone, it was the voice of my mom from a great distance, hard to hear. Her voice sounded thin, tinny, and quavery. She said, "I love you well enough." Then she followed this with "Don't worry, he's coming."

Who is coming? I've spent the whole morning thinking about this. Who? Jesus? A new president? The husband, mentioned prominantly in my patriarchal blessing? Victor, from Silver Leaf Tree Service? The answer is unclear.

I wish that I could have heard more from my mom. The phrasing on her first sentence is relevant to conversations and thoughts that I've had recently. It's some kind of eerie answer. Anyway, my alarm went off, and woke me up at an inopportune time. I have been waking up at daily at 6 a.m., riding my bicycle around the block, and then getting back into bed. So, all I have are the two sentences.

I'm relieved that nothing was mentioned about my disposal of her entire life's wardrobe. When I cleaned out her storage bedroom, before she passed away, so that her hospital bed could be in a separate room from my dad's bed, she was furious. I got an earful. Pretty sure that most of the occupants in neighboring rooms at her care home felt the wrath, too. So, it was refreshing that the clothing removal didn't rate a mention.

Now, just he who?

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Glass Bottles and Stoppers

Each stopper needs a cap...
Here they are, ready to become attached...
Delicate, and tippy, defying gravity...
Sculpture raw materials...
I scrounged this heavy cement post on today's scoot...
Time for a little rest...

Vespadventure 2

Foggy morning and a long drive across the coast...
Sitting while waiting for Marcello's service...
Harbored thoughts of trading him in for this beauty...
Found a Fort Ord demolition graveyard...
Why can't these be homeless housing or art studios...
Ready made sculpture...
Farm workers were harvesting everywhere...
Crossed the river...
Navigated the slough...
Stopped for luncheon...
Felt guilty about trying to dump Marcello...
Checked up on the construction at school...

Don't Give up the Ship

  The leaders of our country were meant to govern, not to rule. In fact, the Declaration of Independence was written in order to explain to ...