Also, I received my trillionth email from the White House this morning. These emails are terrifying. They are full-on propaganda. They cheerlead the lies, and they perpetuate hate. To read them, is to understand the erosion of democracy. Maybe they are crafted by some of the people that I see standing idly in the background, during all of the numerous press conferences.
Several months ago, I started sending emails to the White House, asking for the release of the refugee children in government custody. I am an American. I am part of the president's constituency. I am "The People". I sent emails daily for about two or three weeks. That was when I started receiving the propaganda back in an avalanche. This seemed odd to me. This is a government website. Why would it respond in such a way? Has the White House website ever targeted public discourse during the terms of other presidents? Why was I allowed to only type a small comment, but Stephen Miller was allowed to fill my inbox with piles of lies and hate?
And, now, we're in a manufactured "state of emergency". Guess what? The constitution is hanging by a thread. I was listening to the soundtrack of Hamilton in my studio shed the other day. It made me realize that we've returned to residing in a state of tyranny. As, I sang "When are these colonies gonna rise up?" at the top of my lungs, I realized the relevancy.
Not all teachers are great or inspiring. But, education is an important part of our country's legacy. We have a public school system. We have charter schools. We have community colleges and universities. It's important to learn as much as possible. Reading about Abraham Lincoln, and Cesar Chavez in class this week, enforced the importance of being self-taught, as well. Without learning, we become sheep, ripe for the slaughter. I am grateful for the many teachers that I have had in my life, both effective and lousy. I have learned something from every single one. They have formed me, and challenged me.
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