Saturday, November 24, 2018

Thanksgiving Weekend Work

Made a few shrine boxes for an upcoming show...
The fronts get made with lots of sprigs and stamps...
Then the boxes get attached on the backs...
The show is coming up in January...
But, it's important to get started early...
Not sure what I'll show in the boxes...
Only one cone survived a rainy night in the shed...
All of these had to be remade...
I made the cones smaller on the new ones...

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Wooden Clay

Smaller wall heart...
Needed to make a lot of leaves...
Heading out to dry in the sun...
Building the backs of the hearts...
Now the fronts are ready...
This is the larger heart...
Meanwhile my basket waits...
The parent meditation bowls are drying...

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Holiday Craft Fair Candy Dish Production

We built these slab candy dishes on slump molds...
A heat gun firms them up...
Some are sagging, to become more dishy...
These candy cups have been bisque fired...
Soon, we'll be glazing...
Each student keeps one and sells one...
This might be me, by Christmas vacation...

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Leaving the Sally Field Stage

Spending time with the "chronically unhappy" is a nightmare. I have met so many people who just can't figure out how to find satisfaction in their lives. And, because they aren't satisfied with their own lives, they make it a point to pick apart the lives of those around them. They do this to family members, friends, neighbors, or to relative strangers.

And, they do this with a sort of righteous justification. They think that you're the problem, because you're NOT unhappy. They want everyone to partake of their misery. They gossip and tell everyone stories about you. 

Here's the thing that I've learned about the "chronically unhappy". No one really wants to be around them. No one. In conversations, they throw everyone else under the bus, blame never falls on them. So, if you're a friend, or a spouse, or a child, you're going to be criticized constantly. Their love is a kind of self-love, or self-preservation, so everyone else is expendable. 

I often feel like Sally Field when I encounter the "chronically unhappy", because initially, I want to be liked and valued. But, this is a dark crevasse. D-A-R-K. They are awful friends. They backstab at the drop of a hat. Anyone who is willing to throw a husband, wife, or child to the wolves, is not friend material.

So, as an old lady, I have realized that I need to avoid this minefield. It takes a while for me to leave the Sally Field Stage behind. But, with time, I figure things out. The challenge is to just realize that the "chronically unhappy" are sad people. A friend told me that you have to pray for them. You have to pray that they learn to like themselves. Or, pray that they find something in life which brings them personal joy.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Toe Dipping

Getting back into working with wet clay...
Making flowers for upcoming projects...
Listened to "The Count of Monte Cristo"...
Made about sixty flowers, and more leaves to come...
Threw together another quick wreath...
Gave Winston a trim and a bath...
A reluctant bather, but his tail is wagging...
And, now a small reward...

Goat Hill Fair

Had a fun day antiquing with my sister...

Found some grooms...

And, some painted blue shoes...

These cute kids...

Traditional costumed dolls...

Lots of fried food...

A lovely carved inside out settee...

Speaking my language...

This reminded us of our mom...

It's always fun to see old stuff...

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Ancient Greece

We had a fun classroom visit from last year's third grade teacher, Darlene. She recently returned from Greece, and shared slides of Athens with the students. They learned about different gods and goddesses. We also learned a bit about ancient greek pottery, and designed some geometric flat paper vessels.

Don't Give up the Ship

  The leaders of our country were meant to govern, not to rule. In fact, the Declaration of Independence was written in order to explain to ...