Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Adult Temper Tantrums

I've seen a couple of adult temper tantrums first hand. In fact, I was on the receiving end of one last weekend. I was a few minutes late to my motorcycle class last weekend, and was made to pay mightily. For the entire day, I listened to mansplaining, and to angry feedback. When I first pulled up in the parking lot, I was berated in front of my classmates. No lie, spit was flying as he was lecturing me. It was like a bad marine corps movie.

I also have a terrible temper. The class was $250. So, I didn't engage. I wanted my completion slip. I behaved like I do when kids have tantrums. My lowered voice actually helped my instructor to lower his voice. He did let me stay in the class, after being late. But, my confidence was totally shaken. I did poorly for the entire day on the range. Also, my taillight was out, so that didn't help much. In the end, during my personal critique, he told me that I needed to practice riding my scooter in a parking lot. After two years of riding on the street, I have to practice my skills in a parking lot? Seriously? That was kind of a hilarious testament to my instructor's passive aggressiveness, and to my seriously bad driving skills. It made me angry for the whole drive home. But, I had a completion slip in my purse.

It is a daily struggle to keep my own personal temper under control. Sometimes I do better than other times. I went to a seminar for teachers about understanding primary emotions, and it helped me to better understand my own frustration levels. The other teachers in the motorcycle safety course were outstanding, and they helped and encouraged. In fact, I would even say that they inspired. In my mind, I need to focus on their feedback... I need to fix my taillight, and get back on that horse/scooter.

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