Friday, July 27, 2018

My Dream of Heaven

Johann Sebastian Bach

Last night, I attended a chamber concert as part of the Carmel Bach Festival. I got there a little later than I would have liked, and my seat was located midway down the nave. Because I couldn't see the musicians up close, my mind started wandering. I started thinking about a dream that my dad had last week, which he shared with me. The dream was long and complicated, but he saw my mother. Everything was white, and my mom looked like she did when she was 25 years-old. She was dressed in white.

With all of the Bach playing, I started imagining what my personal version of heaven would look like. It definitely wouldn't be a white room. My heaven might be designed by Antoni Gaudi, or by artisans from the Byzantine Empire, or by the Moors in Southern Spain. My vision of heaven would be definitely colorful. And, there would be music by Beethoven, or Handel, or Bach. Or, better still, Dvorak, and Brahms.

There would be dogs and other pets. There would be other animals who had passed on, too. Especially squirrels and birds. And, there would be loved ones and family everywhere. All of the people that we ache for and miss, who have passed on before would be there. And, they would be their best selves. Alberta, my grandma, especially.

When I was in second grade, my teacher read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl aloud to us. I liked it so much, that I bought the book, and read it at home, too. I remember thinking that the description of the large room with the minty grass meadows, and the chocolate stream, sounded heavenly. It was my favorite part. A landscape made entirely from candy is certainly my childhood version of heaven. 

After these rambling thoughts, I started paying closer attention to the music being played. The group was fantastic. They were feeling the music. Bach's work seems like decorative lace, with repetition and delicate pattern. I am grateful to the city of Carmel for presenting such a soul soothing festival each year.

Sagrada Familia, Barcelona

Basilica San Vitale, Ravenna

The Mezquita, Cordoba

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