Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Surgery Week Two

I was lucky that the doctor didn't saw off my bakelite bracelets that I've worn for over 20 years. Some of them are really old. Instead, they were lovingly cleaned and sanitized. The dogs have spent the past two weeks, trying to encourage me to heal. Percy, in particular, has been constantly by my side, even skipping meals, at times. Last night, I slept on my side. After having the wound pump removed, and the sutures removed, it feels like I can rest on my left side. So many people have helped me, and have brought food and flowers. It has been lovely.

This morning, I took a shower while standing up. That was a major victory. Hoping for more of these small triumphs next week, as well...


Thursday, June 15, 2023

Surgery Week One


Here we are, with a shiny new metallic hip. And, with a shitload of pills. The folks at the hospital couldn't have been nicer. Awkwardly, the parent of one of my former students was in charge of shaving my hip area, cleaning it, and prepping it for surgery. Won't be able to look her in the eye anymore, for sure. Also, another mom from a past student was in the surgery post-op room. She was so kind. 

I've never had an operation before. It was weird being wheeled into the operating room, just like in the movies. Having the needle placed into my slouchy spine was even more weird. When I woke up, I was having a dream about cartoon deer and cartoon rabbits, from the 1950's. That's about how my brain works, I guess...

It has been hard to stay up and moving. And, to shower. My best friends, and my sister have kindly stayed with me. And, my delightful work friend and her son have stopped by each morning to do my bidding, and to care for the pups. My sister hired a kind woman to stay with me for four hours each day. She coaches me on how to bathe, and makes sure that I'm being safe. She was bored, and decided to clean my stove, and my fridge. 

My OCD is flaring hard, to be honest. Hoping that things will start to head back to normal in the next few weeks. I'll keep you posted. Maybe I'll make some mental changes, and create some new neural pathways?! Or, maybe I'll be like my cat, Eugene, and just sit in the middle of the kitchen at 2 a.m., and meow about the changes. He and I are both creatures of habit.

Don't Give up the Ship

  The leaders of our country were meant to govern, not to rule. In fact, the Declaration of Independence was written in order to explain to ...