Saturday, November 5, 2022

Art for Just Me

Well, I'm back to making art after a wildly unsuccessful Open Studios. I have decided that I'm not going to show art anymore, for a long while. It was also physically so taxing. I am five days away from a much needed Orthopedic Clinic visit, after a scooter accident in July. So, I'm back to making. But, I'm making what I like, and making things that will probably amuse only me. This brings me happiness, and a wonderful lack of pressure. I'm going to paint, collage, sew, sculpt, carve, and anything else that strikes my fancy...

It is time to start prepping for our school's Holiday Craft Faire. So, I'm getting cup saucers ready, recycling a bag of nearly dry clay from last year. We're also going to sell some ornaments. So, those will get fired with our holiday cups/mugs. Each student makes one cup to keep (to give as a gift), and one cup to sell. Almost all of our cups are drying in my garage... 

I'm excited to make some shrines for the family creche that I inherited from my parents, and my siblings. The former creche was falling apart, but all of the figures are lovely. I hope to include them in a worthy project, or projects. Winston and Graham are studio helpers. Graham did not want to leave at the end of today's work session.


Don't Give up the Ship

  The leaders of our country were meant to govern, not to rule. In fact, the Declaration of Independence was written in order to explain to ...