Last weekend, I tried to make some small sculptures... |
And, failed... |
The clay was wet, and all of them collapsed... |
Yesterday, I used a heat gun in the damp shed... |
And, they're on board for January's gallery show... |
Today we glazed our 60 cups and saucers... |
Each student made two cups and saucers... |
We will sell one, and they will keep the other... |
We have a lot of glazing to do, and then clear glazing... |
We've had great, creative parent helpers... |
We listened to vintage holiday music while we glazed... |
Students followed their glaze plans, and freestyled... |
We only used about a hundred brushes... |
We'll apply third coats next week... |
Junkin' at the Goat Hill Fair... |
Met a lot of vintage friends... |
A panda headband from China... |
Old colors are the best colors... |
Never seen religious paint by number before... |
Reminds me of Caul Arthur... |
There were a lot of faux antiques this year... |
The ribbon lady still has the goods... |
Picked up this naive painting of a man... |
Found this awesome, colorful abacus... |
Picked up this bust by a ceramic artist from the past... |
The leaders of our country were meant to govern, not to rule. In fact, the Declaration of Independence was written in order to explain to ...