Sunday, January 13, 2019

Pescadero Meet-Up

This morning, I hurriedly sanded some work...
Then headed up the coast, to meet Grant and Susie...
This was right near my parking spot...
It might be fun to live near Duarte's...
We chatted and talked about our jobs...
Grant refused to get tapioca pudding...
This would be a fabulous studio space...
Rain seemed on the way...
The sky was quite dark at Pigeon Point...
I love my Christmas presents...
And, I'll wear my souvenir t-shirt with pride...

Tuesday, January 1, 2019


Decided to make some giant beads today...
These will be vertical swags...
Here is a day of the dead marigold swag...
My sister made this for me a few years ago...
It was a doggie sweater day...
Love this little swag of metal flowers...
My sister gave me this wooden cherry swag...
Percy came outside, even though it was freezing...

Don't Give up the Ship

  The leaders of our country were meant to govern, not to rule. In fact, the Declaration of Independence was written in order to explain to ...