Saturday, September 29, 2018

Pumpkin Rattles Get Glazed

There was quite a load of pumpkin rattles...
And, there were covered pinch pots...
And, there were some redone faces...
This lot got packed up in the car...
We glazed a lot of the rattles...
And, then we'll glaze the rest next week...
It definitely feels like Fall...

Preview Exhibit

Stopped by today to exchange my exhibit piece...
This was on a car near where I parked...
Mary Louise Carter...
Dan Osorio...
Elaine Pinkernell...
Beth Purcell...
Joe Ortiz...
Katell Le Bourdonnec...
Beth Sherman...
Picked up some extra price tags...
And, started work on my signs...

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Studying at Stanford

My class visited the Cantor Art Museum at Stanford University. We wanted to see all things clay,
and, we had very knowledgeable docents. First, we wrote a three paragraph biography report about Rodin. Then we watched a slideshow of his work. My class was able to see the small models for "The Burghers of Calais", and then we traveled across campus, to see the actual sculptures.

Our docent also showed us ceramic work from ancient Greece and China. Now we're going to have to decide if we want to make small Rodin style busts, or, if we want to make some ancient Greek pinch pots.

I am so grateful to work at a school where art is embraced and valued. And, I'm so glad that parents are willing to sacrifice their time and effort to provide us transportation on field trips.

Also, I'm grateful for the delicacy of terra cotta. I really noticed the texture of Rodin’s clay pieces this time around. The color was much lighter than the terra cotta that I have used. It made me think about trying out some new clay...

Our homemade museum name tags...

Heroes aren't on pedestals, they surround us...
Our docent shares Greek drinking vessels...

Monday, September 24, 2018

Last Summer's Fruit: Part Two

Colorful emergency food...
Enlarged puppet head sculptures...
Indigo colored plates...
Plenty of wall hearts...
These heads hold metal flowers...
Bright colors...
The "gallery" is almost all set up...

Thursday, September 20, 2018

More Calder Lovin'

More explorations...

Into the work of Alexander Calder...

I love the playful work...

Drawing with wire...

Ah, the necklaces...

And, this gorgeous pin...

He made this for his wife...

Don't Give up the Ship

  The leaders of our country were meant to govern, not to rule. In fact, the Declaration of Independence was written in order to explain to ...